Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Here is the Christmas card video that Ray sent to me. It's too good not to share.

Cincinnati Art Club India Slide Lecture

I've been pretty busy lately and feeling like I want to blog, but haven't had time. Here is a photo of "Slumdog" - the neighborhood - from the air as we flew out of Mumbai and on to Chennai. Amazing isn't it? How it butts right up against those gleaming white highrises.

And now for something completely different:

February 19, 2010.
Ray Hassard and I will be wowing our audience with
tales from our recent trip to India at the
February Meeting of the Cincinnati Art Club.
Not positive if it's possible for the public to come.

Here's the blurb that I hope will appear in the art club newsletter, The Dragonfly:

"Just back from their third painting trip to India in six years, this intrepid duo will again delight audiences with tales of their adventures in their own inimitable style. A seven week trip in a foreign land offers its own rewards and frustrations, and preferring a bit more adventure, this duo never takes the “luxury route”.

Their Indian adventure involved more than a tour bus and the Golden Triangle. It was an intimate road lined with cherished friends and friendly people, con men, holy men, beautiful women, beggars, babies, actors, monsoon rains, mountain leeches, elephants, bats, and so much more. Sanity came in the form of teaching a workshop at Adobe Industries in Delhi, and then, it was right back on the road for an unexpected “awakening” in the holy city of Varanasi on the banks of the Ganges River. With time on their side, these artists covered over 4400 miles, revisiting some of their favorite haunts in the south and exploring new locations in both south, central and northern India. And, this crazy pair, tried to paint it all, everywhere they went.

So, if you are someone that says, I NEVER want to go to India, or are afraid to go to India, or want to go but for some reason can’t, this is the lecture you want to attend. Using slides of memorable sights and encounters, as well as some of the art they produced on site, you will come away from this evening with an understanding of the fortitude it takes to travel and paint in this developing third world country. If you attended their previous talks, you know to expect a most enjoyable evening's entertainment. If you missed previous occasions, you're in for a treat."