Thursday, November 14, 2013

You just can't hand out enough thank you's, so here goes. Thank Bob Bahr and for the wonderful publicity about my upcoming exhibition. Bob is not only a wonderful writer and editor, he is also a great cook! I haven't tasted anything, but I've seen the photos and heard the enthusiasm in his writing voice when he discusses food. Thanks Bob!
Here's the link to the article:

Gina Ward, my wonderful ad rep at Plein Air Magazine! Thank you for all your kindest and attention.

Barbara Summers, Executive Director of the Markay Cultural Arts Center. You have made my life easy! And, you are a joy to work with.

"Road Trip" - You're Invited!

“Morning Glow, Farm on Rt. 310”•  6x6” • Oil on Gessoboard
Copyright Debra Joyce Dawson
This one is painted not too far from home. 

My exhibition, “Road Trip”, opens in the Appalachian Foothills of Ohio, on Friday, November 15, 7:00 PM at the Markay Cultural Arts Center, 269 East Main St., Jackson, OH 45640

• 740-286-6355 •
Light refreshments served.
Exhibition continues until December 22, 2013