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Posing for a photo just after I finished painting.
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My painting sitting on the easel at High Falls last week. |
" . . . painting the looser side of realism . . ." Writing about my life as an artist, plein air painting, traveling and whatever else might intrigue me.
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Posing for a photo just after I finished painting.
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My painting sitting on the easel at High Falls last week. |
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debrajoycedawson@earthlink.net has shared a video with you on YouTube: Check out this video, by Sarah Yeoman, of this year's Adirondack Mountain Painters. You'll see Eric Rhoads doing a portrait of Maria Amor, and just after that I am painting at sunset on the same porch. Susie and Margie are also on that porch painting. | |
© 2012 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 |
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"Blowin' in the Wind" 10 x 8" Oil on RayMar oil primed linen. SOLD Copyright 2012 Debra Joyce Dawson |
Susie, Margie and I went with the group on Friday to Heavenly Hill Farm on Friday morning and wound up staying all day. This morning we were somewhere along the AuSable River, taking our time to get back to the ferry to Burlington.
I didn't post yesterday because I shot all of my photos at 5M resolution. We had an interesting day involving a visit to Rockwell Kent's studio, rain, herding goats, a failed painting, and a great party at Camp Limberlost, owned by Eric Rhoads and his family.
I'll post some photos of Kent's studio, IF, I ever get home from Philadelphia. My 9pm flight was delayed first for maintenance and now waiting for a crew. Estimated departure time, 11pm!
I'm sitting here at a round table discussion led by B. Eric Rhoads. I'm surrounded by artists and paintings we've done since Tuesday.
Today we spent the day at White Pine Camp, the summer White House 1926, under Calvin Coolidge. Martin and I tried to visit this last year but the gate was closed.
This old camp is now a hotel, $139 per night minimum rate. It was fun painting here. We looked all around this place, but Susie and I decided to paint the entrance gate. My painting is 12 x 10", while the High Falls was 12 x 9".
I forgot to bring bug spray, but was very glad today that I had it. The flies were aggressive. One landed on my palette, and I looked down to see it and it had red eyes, red circles with red centers, a demon fly for sure.
My painting is not quite finished in this photo, but I like the photo.
This photo is taken indoors, and the light is yellowish, so this painting, even in limited color range doesn't show the gorgeous subtlety of colors. But all I can say is, I painted this just after falling, and it was my reward.
We came back from the falls tired and late, had showers and went to the cafeteria for dinner. We all went to the bar. I'd been taking Aleve for pain, but I thought some alcohol could help as well. It was quiet at first and I sat talking to Roger Rossi, on the Board of the Salmagundi Club.
In walked Rick Wilson, from Indiana, and the night turned into a sing-song. A great deal of fun, and excellent prelude to Ireland.
I hope that the photo posts vertically. Enjoy, this is a special painting!
Here's a little art show in our living area. We really lucked out this year and got a suite of rooms with a full kitchen and sitting area. Air conditioning, too! And we couldn't be happier about that since it has been hot.
In this photo are 4 paintings of mine, and 3 by Susie. Margie's are in her room, and she is napping right now.
Top left is my very crappy painting from this afternoon, next it, Susie's painting of High Falls, next her painting from this morning. second row, my High Falls painting, then my painting from this morning, and on the bottom row, our paintings from Osgood Pond.
This photo is of Susie and I. The painting is a studio watercolor by Sarah Yeoman. She painted this from a photo she took last year. In the painting is Susie, myself, and my sherpa Martin.
The second photo is of a natural planter. I am sending my sherpa on an expedition to retreve this lichen covered boulder with many lovely ferns, not too, too far from he falls where I fell.
I see my photo from this mornings painting spot didn't post. So trying this one from our afternoon spot.
I painted 12 x 9 inches at the falls. I thought I'd taken a photo of the painting on the easel with the tablet, but I am mistaken. I took it with my camera. I'll work on getting that photo. My paintings no too bad, considering it the second painting of a waterfall I've done in my life, both here in the Adirondacks.
We went early to this site, and things were fine until at the very bottom, I fell and hit my right side ribs on my easel. It knocked the wind out of me, but eventually I got set up - even though I was right out in the full sun. 88 degrees today and sunny.
I'm pretty sore. Thanks to Margie for carrying my easel uphill.
Up at 5:21am this morning. We have decided to not go to The Vic Center this morning. Both painting groups are going there. Then they break up and one group is going to High Falls Park. I didn't go to this spot last year because every time a waterfall was mentioned, slipping and falling and blood was mentioned. However, last night we made a plan to go to Osgood pond and then to the falls and spend most of the day there.
The photo shows me wearing the bug net that was in our tote bag.
At the raffle last night . . . my roommates and I . . . all won prizes. First Susie: a travel watercolor set, brush and pens and a little case. Next, I won a set of 6 brushes by Rosemary's Brushes (estimated value $100) ! Then Margie won a large wooden palette.
We meandered our way to Paul Smiths College, stopping for about 45 minutes to an hour to take photos.
All in all with all our stops, it took us 3 hours to get once we drove off the ferry.
The weather right now has gone grey. I've been told that Susie travels with rain, but Everyone is saying the temps tomorrow will be in the 90's.
We walked into the check-in, and there was Eric Rhoads, and three children, working the check-in desk, and very efficiently. We were given a Plein Air Magazine tote bag, green this year. I love the green.
We were given some free samples of Williamsburg paint!!!
And, Joe, from Rosemary's Brushes is here with brushes for sale.
We settled into our suite of rooms. VERY nice, and we have a kitchen as well.
Dinner is at 5:30pm, so I'll sign off for now, and write later, if I have the energy or inclination.
Back on the road to Paul Smiths College after stopping for lunch. Nicoise salad, and just phoptos of dessert, but I could go for an ice cream. Temps is 75 right now, with sun and 88 F tomorrow. Looks like better painting weather than last year.
On the road again.
Yesterday started off with a bit of stress: running a little late to the airport, an easy check-in, cash from the ATM, he bathroom, then disaster! I had lost my drivers license somewhere between the check-in and getting my stuff together to go through security. Panic time! But the license was found, in my stuff and all was well.
I am traveling with Susie and Margie. We all flew into Burlington, VT, had a nice meal at The Ice House, right on Lake Champlain, and took the ferry this morning to NY. It's a super beautiful day today. :)
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"Flirty Dress" 7" x 5", Oil on Canvas Panel • SOLD |
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You can just see the Annapolis State House dome in the distance to the left of this quirky, but very paintable, house; and in the right foreground, the VIVO shop and Flirty Dress to the right. |
I bought a Motorola Zyboard tablet last December, and I am writing to you from this tablet now. Of course, I am not a true tekky, so I am not sure what all I could be doing with it. One thing I do know is that it's hard to update my blog from this device, but easy to blog going through email. The only thing I don't like about that is not being able to position or size my photo before posting it.
My photo shows a page from the sketch book I was using in April when I was in Maryland. My daughter lives in Annapolis now, and while she worked and my granddaughter was at school, I loaded up with my backpack, panels and easel and walked into the town center. I was working each day and one night on paintings for my "27 Dresses Series". Here are four thumbnails for paintings that are on the wall of my current exhibition at the Sharon Weiss Gallery in Columbus, OH.
Two of the sketches are of the same dress. I titled that painting "Flirty Dress". It was so cute, and made of paper. The painting is just 5"x7", and I did a great job capturing it, under trying circumstances. (to be continued)