Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ireland or Bust: Part 4, all packed

This photo was taken near the end of our trip in Ireland, December 2005, in County Cork. You can see the state of the grey weather. But I have to say, living in Ohio for the past 23 years has helped me to really appreciate grey. And you can see that it doesn't stop a guy walking his two dogs, in his Wellies! We had some fun here. All the Dawsons went walking two days later on this beach, and it's always a blast going out with them all. There was a man on the beach digging worms, large worms, about 6 - 8" long. He was going to use them for cod fishing! Yum.
Well, we are all packed! Whew. Thank heavens for a great Sherpa named Martin. He has talked me into not taking panels larger than 8" x 10", one size makes everything a little bit easier, but for me, maybe not as interesting. And he had me talked into not taking any frames! I'd heard that I could get both panels and frames in Wexford, but after a late night email with one of the organizers, and talking to Martin about the extra cost, he caved. YEAH!

We just boxed and packed three 8" x 10" frames. I hope they don't try and make us check them.

Now I can sleep, perchance to dream, but not nightmare.

Will blog tomorrow from the airport, promising not to whine so much tomorrow, and then, The Emerald Isle!

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