Sunday, May 26, 2013

Noisy here this morning!

Good motning.

I may as well get up since there are doors banging and heels clapping, and now happy voices of the young.

I left here yesterday and walked what was a more direct route to the Louvre. Went down rue Bonaparte and stopped at Les Deux Magots for coffee. May happy singing waiter servrd me. There is nothing so wonderful as happy, efficient, singing waiter in a good cafe in Paris!

Then just across Bd. San Germain, the quai and the bridge and I was in the area of the Louvre/Tuilleries. I thought I might paint Napoleon's arch, but it was filled with people, so I walked under it entered les jardins. I thought they did the boats there in a pond, but there weren't any.

It took me an incredibly long time to decide on what to paint. Irises were blooming every where, gleaming statues, and two goats clipping the grass in a ravine that would be hard to cut.

I had several things in mind, finally said to myself, do something manageable. Severable people came to talk in French or English. I finally asked a woman from Australia if she'd take a photo of me with my phone. She was happy to do it for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have the little box for Paris? Looks like a nice painting and that it is cold. I tried to send you a message using tango. Edie