Monday, August 06, 2012

Ireland: Wexford

There were two locations that we were required to paint, Enniscorthy and Wexford. Here I was, on Saturday. This was the day of the 2 hour quickdraw, and the weather was perfect for it. However, I didn't take part in it as I was working on this dress painting. The artists and public were delightedly shocked by my choice of subject, saying with big smiles, "What an original idea. Love, it." Yesterday, I went back to this shop and painted the polka-dot dress in the far window, and I guess at least one other artist, Paul, from Belfast just had to try it. He asked if I minded if he painted the same thing I was painting. I like Paul a lot, feel like I've known him a long time. He's an architect by trade, and has done some wonderful street scenes, which I haven't accomplished. I am hoping to see his dress shop painting, which has more of the shop in it than mine. I don't know if I'm hoping to see it in the show, which starts at 2:30 for the collector's preview, public at 3:00, and awards at 4:00 pm.

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