Wednesday, June 12, 2013

St. JEAN-DE-LUZ: dinner

This region of France really does feel culturally different. I have tried to get the Basque cuisine when possible.

I don't have photo support fir the previous night dinner, but I had Paradillo aux 7 poissons. WHOA!!!! Stunning presentation in an elongated dish with pointy ends, hand painted.

On the left, a 2-1/2" dish of paella with a piece of smoky, spiced sausage. Then the line up if fish: cod was first, don't know the second or third, then a whole anchovy grilled, 3 mussels, a longustine. The suce was olive oil, maybe a little vinegar lots of large pieces of garlic, sweet red peppers. OMG! Lovely delicious meal. I was practically sitting in the lap of the couple next to me, so I didn't have courage to take a photo. But here'the outside of this small always crowded restaurant.

The other three photos are from my last nights dinner: Boudin Basque with a mashed potato cake, and thar's a little red onion smile on top. And a white Basque beer. Dessert: Tarte aux pommes fines maison. Martin would have loved this meal. My parents and grandparents would have loved it. I DID!

We got to have us a Basque Party!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am in for the Basque party.
