Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Arriver á destination!

As I feared, there was one long flight of stairs down, and one going up. However, there was an American woman who came to my rescue and helped me up the last 7 steps! Sweet! She said, "That will be me tomorrow." Now just to get to my destination and hope my contacts are waiting for me. The trains have been right on schedule!

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, HA HA HA HA HA!  After all the up and down steps, the train didn't go. Something wrong with a fuse? I think. So more up and down steps!

So we are late, and finally on a bus to. I hope the ladies wait for me. Otherwise, I need to find a taxi, or walk. But wouldn't really know where to walk to. Just remembered, in all the confusion of unpacking and repacking, we never packed the guidebook!

A very nice French woman tried to call one of my contacts, but my contact didn't answer. No stress, things will be fine, or I'll be painting on the street all night, selling my wares.

Yes, we got here, everything was fime. I went out in search of a restaurant. Now walking some more and looking forward to shut-eye

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