Monday, July 27, 2015

Sunday, July 26: Maison Bleu Lin #2

The tea room is three years old. Before that, for 15 years, she ran this small old place as an antique haberdashery shop.

As I looked more closely at what she sold, I seemed to be more fascinated by what she collected. I expect that the bobbins of silk and jars of buttons were from the former haberdashery/antique shop? I asked if the bobbins were for sale. No was the answer, but she had trays of cotton ones that were for sale. 1€ per bobbin. Well, I had to have some. The emerald green was my favorite, but I bought ten bobbins of different colors. She gave me five of the old silk ones.

The bobbins were from Germany, and there are five threads of silk wound together. They came in gradations of colors for use in making button holes!

Maybe it's the fact that my Great-grandmother was a seamstress of men's shirts, maybe it was the delicious colors coupled with the sheen of the silk, I don't know. I just knew I needed those bobbins. And as she said, "They are good enough to eat!"

I am going back this morning to have a bowl of Madame Claude's coffee.

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