Saturday, July 18, 2015

Dinan: Presentation of Paintings & Cancale, July 15

July 25, 2105 - 18hr00!

My presentation will be early since a couple of the organizers are going on vacation the last week of July. They will come in a group, look, ask me questions, I suppose, and choose a painting.

I feel a bit nervous. Still I will have a tour of Brittany in the studio when they come, and another five days worth of paintings after they choose.

Attached is a photo from Cancale, where Sargent painted his "Oyster Gathers". I found low tide here different from that at Roscoff, but no less interesting.

I think I could paint low tide and landlocked boats for a very long time. The wet sand, or is it mud, or sludge, reflects each and every nuance of light, changing every few seconds, it seems. Lovely, maddening, delicate, difficult. But I think it's one of the most interesting and challenging subjects that I've painted. How to translate it sensitively? Yet, it's in this subject that I seem to have found myself.

Funny, one of the guys at the Highlands Nature Sanctuary Residency said, "You really look at things, you notice things." I thought that was a strange comment, but he's right. And it gets me in trouble at times, seeing so much, too much.

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