Friday, July 03, 2015

My first oil painting in Dinan, Friday, July 3rd

Yesterday, after Jeanne et Jacque left me, I unpacked and organized my things. I took only a lightweight backpack, watercolors, ink, sketchbook and watercolor paper that I'd purchased in Paris in 2013. I walked until I came to the first road to the top. There were so many paintings on the uphill route to do, but I took only photos. Once again, I was very near where I started my time in Dinan, the huge old clock tower. After meandering my way around the walled medieval part of Dinan, I came back down to the port by the switchback route.

I didn't think the hill up was bad at all, but today, I heard many people huffing and puffing as they made the climb.

I went there to paint the green table and chair I'd seen yesterday, but, it wasn't there. DRATS! Had I missed it? Was it higher up? Who cared? Just a few feet forward was a second charming scene, an old lavabo on a stand. In the center of the white washing bowl was a light blue coffee pot, and in the pot, a plant. At its feet, a large terra cotta pot with a hydrangea just starting to bloom. I knew I wanted to paint it, too. So I stopped and made a drawing for a 10x8" painting.

As soon as I started, a woman came to talk to me. Her name, Michelle. She was also an artist. I mentioned the green chair. It was hers! She quickly put it out with the green table, and I thought that I'd do two paintings, one after the other, but, she had me in for coffee and chocolate, and by the time I finished painting #1, I was tired. Jet lag, and heat, I think. I was certainly glad I stood in the shade.

I wish I had 100€ for each photo that was taken of me today. Personally, I asked three people to take a photo with my phone, since they had the enjoyment of using me for their pleasure!

Tomorrow, I go back to paint the table and chair. Add this to my 6x6" painting of a blue watering can on a green table that I did in Giverny last September, and I am building a suite of paintings of items that I would love to own and have in my own garden. I suppose the white porch furniture painted at the first residency, would also fit in this suite, but they aren't French.

I came back to Cafe Terrasses, where I met the Belgians, and had Moules à la crème. Rich, but very good. A tourist from Switzerland grilled me in French, expecting me to be English. She told me I would gain kilos if I ate this everyday. And then told me I must go to the next village, which I will, when I rent my car on July 9th. Wish me luck on driving in France alone.

1 comment:

Angela Finney said...

Off to a good start!